AVGamer u
Yes, you are correct. It was Channing Tatum and he was talking about being a male stripper, how to get abs like his in that movie they needed a
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It literally impossible for even Channing Tatum to have the
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No I sorry this is straight up ridiculous. This
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AVGamer 5 points submitted 2 months ago
Use the back of your knife it takes like half a
coach outlet store online second. Scooping vegies isn a problem no need to use a kitchen scraper they a waste of time. Why don you have a beater knife? Go grab a Victorinox for your frozen/ half thawed meats. As a line chef it good practice to use a beater knife for those kinds of jobs even when using german knives.
The chef vids you showing are by celebrity chefs who have knife sponsorships. They don need to worry about replacements they get sent them free of charge.
G my American Friends. Srry for shitty vertical gif, had the missus film it and I didn notice it cause I couldn keep my eyes off the meat
As and Aussie this is my first time ever cooking (and tasting) ribs and I am so overwhelmed with how well they turned out. They were nice and tender and I honestly don know how they ended up so dam tasty.
Cooked a total of 5 slabs at 225 235 using hardwood Jarrah splits I have for my woodfire pizza oven. Jarrah is a wood which you can get just about anywhere in Australia, I get them by the box from bunnings roughly $15/ 15kg (get that sweet staff discount). Since Jarrah is a bit of an exotic wood I expected a bad flavour but it is so far the best smoke flavour I had. It very sweet and not the "bacony" flavour you get from the hickory chips. Also a really nice smoke ring.
Only problem I had with Jarrah was fire management, it burnt really hot and
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click here difficult to control flare ups when putting in new wood. Used the smallest amount of lump charcoal to get the wood started.
Cooked on a shitty $150 bunnings offset smoker. for about 5 hours total, 2 hours unwrapped, 3 hours wrapped.5 hours unwrapped with a glaze applied.
edit: Unfortunately I only have this potato pic from my phone just after the finishing glaze was applied. Pic. After being in the smoker for half an hour the finished colour was a mahogany, sauce used in the glaze was homemade.
The problem is that you initially said it was racist and now you say it is discrimination. Racism is completely different in this context to discrimination. They are not the same you cannot label someone a racist for discrimination.
I refuse to eat Szechuan style Chinese food because it generally is too spicy for me to handle. Does that make me a racist for discrimating against a culture cuisine? No people have preferences and that is fine. There may be dishes I like but in general I don sit well with the cuisine.
And he wasn insinuating that you are forcing people to sleep with others they are uncomfortable with, people are having trouble with the fact you are labelling them as racist.
Now if some neo Nazi
coach factory online sale refused to sleep with a person of colour because they believed they were superior to them, that would be racist. Having preferences does not equal racism unless that preference is based on the belief of superiority. On top of that, not dating a type of ethnicity because of racial stereotypes would be racist.
I a liberal college type, and even I thrown off by your rhetoric. You had a huge amount of replies due to the fact your comments are far left Field and are very enraging to many people as you contradict yourself every second comment. Might want to iron out the kinks in your ideology before pushing them onto others online
AVGamer 5 points submitted 3 months ago
Then why does it bother you if it doesn make any difference if overwatch is already played by mostly men. Just let them have their discord who gives a fuck. What wrong with excluding women? It the same as excluding men.
And there other reasons to having mens only overwatch group. A lot of guys online are terrible at talking to women either they really awkward and shy, or they say things that are plain rude and condescending. In a team game where communication is key it really shit when some team mates aren making calls because they to nervous or guys are ruining the team because of rude shit.
On top of that a lot of guys are super cringe and try to treat the women extra nice/ give them special treatment. I had this happen before where cringey guys heal/ support the woman when they should be supporting the rest of the team. In my own experience playing with my cousin when guys hear her voice it just makes it super uncomfortable in the team chat and usually the team cohesion falls apart.
Not advocating that men and women should play apart, it just really difficult playing together at the moment due to anonymity online and I have no problem women playing in female only groups and vice versa with men.
AVGamer 0 points submitted 3 months ago
I more so just providing more ideas on top of what Geoff Goodman has said over on the forums. And from what he said they not looking at a self protection ability, but changing up his kit a bit potentially adding new abilities and possibly changing the way scatter arrow works. Just adding suggestions to what the devs have already
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And btw my suggestion isn about dealing damage at range since it would be a slow moving arcing projectile, it more about area denial at medium range team fights. Think slightly faster projectile speed than a jr grenade.