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Escrito por Sumiciu el vienres, 14 ochobre de 2011

(En castellano en el primer comentario)

Imaxina que camines en medio una reciella de xente, quiciás una manifestación. Tas arrodiáu dafechu y esfuérceste por seguir al personal intentando mantener el mesmu ritmu qu'ellos. Si te pones a pensalo, anque conoces xeograficamente'l destín, nun sabes mui bien la razón o'l fin concretu que te mueve escontra. Namás sabes que tas ehí y quies seguir caminando. Una recta, otra recta y otra más; darréu en cada curva torna la mesma entruga nun bucle que paez que, a lo menos, mantiente serenu, constante y consciente.

Nun dexa de ser una buena metáfora pa una rayada de 14 d'ochobre (víespora de 15). Nun dexa de ser al empar cierta cuestión personal que rara vez vien a cuentu.

Cada segundu de la nuestra vida ye únicu ya inigualable, ello ye que nun ye estraño que-y deamos un valor p'enriba de lo que lu tasaría cualquier supuestu ser oxetivu. Culpemos d'ello a Heisenberg y al Principiu d'Incertidume por exemplu. Una muestra ye esa sensación individual o coleutiva de que, con enfotu abondu, cualquier determinación nuestra ye determinante na Hestoria. Porque parte d'esi problema entama pola dificultá de diferenciar la Hestoria de la hestoria.

Lo que mos cuntaría un estraterrestre que tuviere observándomos dende fuera, posiblemente fuera (faigo notar el mio niciu terrestre) la d'intentar desplicamos que tola nuestra vida ye un intentu más de facer lo qu'otros intentaron durante'l continu del tiempu en contestos diferentes y con resultaos desemeyaos. Tovía asina préstamos vemos como singulares, disonantes y protagonistes universales d'un puntu nel tiempu. Un puntu discretu nel que dexamos de valorar tolo que mos precede y damos a pensar que xamás hebo nada como nós.

Gran error. Realmente somos el productu de tol continu antecedente y, salvo agradable o desagradable accidente, meru granu de sable. Nun ye que nel pasáu nun pasara nada hasta güei; ye que, sacante que faiga aición esa singularidá espaciu-temporal, anguaño nun pasará nada hasta'l futuru.

¿Quier decir esto que tamos determinaos? ¿que da igual lo que fagamos porque yá pasó y volverá a pasar ([1] y [2])? ¿que si naide lo consiguió hasta agora nun va conseguise yá? Non, de nenguna manera. Anque por llástima nun esiste un plan que determine en qué momentu quién sedrá quién y asoleye el verdaderu xacíu de la vida menos pa dalgunes fes y nun podamos estrayer más que della simpleza na aleatoriedá, namás ye esa continuidá la que provoca que les coses pasen. Namás la constancia conduz a la singularidá. Namás tar onde crees que tienes que tar nun momentu y nun tiempu ye la forma de llegar a onde coño quiera que haya que dir.

Namás nun hai qu olvidase de los que cayeron o fueron acallaos pel camín, porque tenemos buena probabilidá de sumamos a ellos. Quiciás un bon camín seya la continuidá y el movimientu, quiciás non. Los errores son parte del secretu del ésitu (secretu porque los dexamos podrecer no fondero les coraes) y los errores, el movimientu y la continuidá aplicaos a un momentu concretu nun son más qu'un irguise bien pa llevantase del suelu bien insurrectu dafechu.

Al final, pa llevar a cabu too esto nun hai un día siñaláu nel calendariu, tamién ye cierto que nun lu hai pa dexar de facelo.
100 Comentarios

Unviáu por Sumiciu el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Imaginate que caminas en medio de una multitud de gente, quizás una manifestación. Estás rodeado totalmente y te esfuerzas por seguir al personal intentando mantener el mismo ritmo que ellos. Si te pones a pensarlo, aunque conoces geograficamente el destino, no sabes mui bien la razón o el fin concreto que te mueve hacia él. Sólo sabes que estás ahí y quieres seguir caminando. Una recta, otra recta y otra más; a continuación en cada curva vuelve la misma pregunta en un bucle que parece que, al menos, te mantiene sereno, constante y consciente.

No deja de ser una buena metáfora para una rayada de 14 de octubre (víspora de 15). No deja de ser de la misma forma cierta cuestión personal que rara vez viene a cuento.

Cada segundo de la nuestra vida es único e inigualable, es por ello que no es estraño que le demos un valor por encima de lo que lo tasaría cualquier supuesto ser objetivo. Culpemos de ello a Heisenberg y al Principio de Incertidumbre por ejemplo. Una muestra es esa sensación individual o colectiva de que, con suficientes ganas, cualquier determinación nuestra es determinante en la Historia. Porque parte de dicho problema comienza por la dificultad de diferenciar la Historia de la historia.

Lo que nos contaría un extraterrestre que tuviera observándonos desde afuera, posiblemente fuera (hago notar mi origen terrestre) la de intentar explicarnos que toda nuestra vida es un intento más de hacer lo que otros intentaron durante el continuo del tiempo en contextos diferentes y con resultados dispares. Aún así nos gusta vernos como singulares, disonantes y protagonistas universales de un punto en el tiempo. Un punto discreto en el que dejamos de valorar todo lo que nos precede y nos lleva a pensar que jamás existió nada como nosotros.

Gran error. Realmente somos el producto de todo el continuo antecedente y, salvo agradable o desagradable accidente, mero grano de arena. No es que en el pasado no pasara nada hasta hoy; es que, salvo que tome parte esa singularidad espacio-temporal, hoy en día no pasará nada hasta el futuro.

¿Quiere decir esto que estamos determinados? ¿que da igual lo que hagamos porque ya pasó y volverá a pasar[1] y [2])? ¿que si naide lo consiguió hasta ahora no va conseguise ya? No, de ninguna manera. Aunque por lástima no existe un plan que determine en qué momento quién será quién y saque a la luz el verdadero sentido de la vida menos pa algunes fes y no podamos extraer más que cierta simpleza en la aleatoriedá, sólo es esa continuidad la que provoca que las cosas pasen. Sólo la constancia conduce a la singularidad. Sólo estar donde crees que tienes que estar en un momento y un tiempo es la forma de llegar a donde coño quiera que haya de ir.

Simplemente no hai que olvidarse de los que cayeron o fueron callados por el camino, porque tenemos gran probabilidad de sumarnos a ellos. Quizás un buen camino sea la continuidad y el movimiento, quizás no. Los errores son parte del secreto del éxito (secreto porque los dejamos pudrir en lo profundo de las entrañas) y los errores, el movimiento y la continuidad aplicados a un momento concreto no son más que un erguise bien para levantarse del suelo bien totalmente insurrecional.

Al final, para llevar a cabo todo esto no hay un día señalado en el calendario, también es cierto que no lo hay para dejar de hacerlo.
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I am sure you see the trend here... Commercial Mortgage Financing can be used in practically any industry for any kind of commercial property. Speak with your Business Finance Broker when you are ready to invest in a Commercial Real estate opportunity.    <a href="">finance types</a>For more information on click here:
Unviáu por finance types el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

I am sure you see the trend here... Commercial Mortgage Financing can be used in practically any industry for any kind of commercial property. Speak with your Business Finance Broker when you are ready to invest in a Commercial Real estate
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Make use of a travel agent that provides travel deals for handicapped travelers. Booking plane tickets and rooms in hotels with journey agents that provide travel methods to disabled individuals is advantageous in many ways. They make sure they book for his or her disabled customers airlines as well as hotels which are disabled pleasant. They make an effort to offer providers and suggestions which will ensure their own clients journey comfortably.    <a href="">best adventure travel</a>
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Make use of a travel agent that provides travel deals for handicapped travelers. Booking plane tickets and rooms in hotels with journey agents that provide travel methods to disabled individuals is advantageous in many ways. They make sure they book for his or her disabled customers airlines as well as hotels which are disabled pleasant. They make an effort to offer providers and suggestions which will ensure their own clients journey comfortably.
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One of the biggest competitions of today is staying fit. It seems like people nowadays want to lose weight instantly as if there is no tomorrow or it is as if it is a passport for the general population. Losing weight and staying fit is never easy.
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The laws of nature are just as they treat every specie (and not only man) with equality. In a jungle, every specie gets its due share of food, air and water which enable them to live a dignified life without being dependent on any other creation. Nature makes no distinction between one specie, and the other as all species are the children of the same God.
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I am certain you begin to see the trend right here... Commercial Home loan Financing may be used in virtually any business for any type of commercial home. Speak together with your Business Finance Broker when you're ready to purchase a Commercial Property opportunity.
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You will see all styles and models of fashion blogs as being the internet is stuffed with them. It can take a look at the advantages of wearing lean jeans through boyfriend bluejeans or the best way pink takes the destination of dark colored plus many of the extras. Just like you go internet, you receives your fill of your latest popular trends as a result of fashion blogs.
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Real estate shareholders live in addition to die by means of their chance to add importance. With not any added importance, there usually are no gains. This applies with almost any business, but what makes real estate a really great business as well as a great investment decision, is the volume of ways you can contribute value and benefit from big gains.
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Health fitness tips also recommend that vices should be stopped. Smoking predisposes one to vascular conditions such as arteriosclerosis and heart diseases. Alcohol consumption need not be eliminated but should be limited to 30 jiggers a day only. Alcohol still has health benefits such as vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness tips recommend
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Insurance can be synonymous to a lot people expressing risks involving losses expected coming from a supposed car accident. Here, the price of your losses are going to be borne by the many insurers.
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Discomfort heard this argument intended for spending far more now with quality just to save money in the future. But why not consider the impression your purchase has on the earth, shouldn't shopping ethically participate in the talk too?
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Health fitness ideas also suggest that vices ought to be stopped. Smoking predisposes someone to vascular conditions for example arteriosclerosis as well as heart illnesses. Alcohol consumption do not need to be removed but ought to be limited in order to 30 jiggers each day only. Alcohol nevertheless has many benefits such because vasodilation. These are are just some of what Health fitness ideas recommend
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Traveling, for individuals with disabilities, is extremely hectic, particularly when they get to the airport terminal. They face the process of obtaining proper info and instructions. This is actually further aggravated through the huge number of individuals traveling as well as long lists. In international airports, there tend to be attendants which are supposed for carrying on the needs of these travelling along with disabilities.
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I know you start to see the trend the following... Commercial Mortgage loan Financing can be utilized in almost any market for almost any commercial house. Speak along with your Business Finance Broker if you are ready to buy a Commercial Real-estate opportunity.
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You will find all forms and shapes of fashion blogs as the internet is full of them. It can talk about the main benefit of wearing lanky jeans over boyfriend jeans or how pink takes the place of black plus all the extras. As you go online, you will get your fill of the latest in fashion trends via fashion blogs.
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Many of us have heard your argument pertaining to spending additional now in quality to avoid wasting money after. But why don't you consider the result your purchase is wearing the entire world, shouldn't shopping ethically join in on the conversation too?
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You can find all kinds and forms of fashion blogs because internet is brimming with them. It can mention the luxury of wearing lanky jeans around boyfriend skinny jeans or precisely how pink takes the best place of dark-colored plus the many extras. Because you go on-line, you is certain to get your fill in the latest popular trends through fashion blogs.
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Real estate buyers live and also die simply by their power to add benefit. With simply no added benefit, there are usually no income. This does work with virtually any business, but what makes real estate this kind of great business plus a great purchase, is how many ways you can value and make the most of big income.
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Were you thinking with regards to remodeling your current home? Understand that you may achieve your current goal and not using a giant price. Small changes introduced in nearly all room, including the outdoors on the town can make the many difference.
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Insurance is actually synonymous to numerous people discussing risks associated with losses expected from the supposed incident. Here, the expense of the actual losses is going to be borne by all of the insurers.
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You can see all creates and shapes and sizes of fashion blogs for the internet is jam packed with them. It can converse about the luxury of wearing slim jeans across boyfriend shorts or ways pink takes the position of schokohäutige plus lots of the extras. Simply because go via the internet, you becomes your fill for the latest popular trends with fashion blogs.
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Most likely you view the trend in this article... Commercial House loan Financing can be employed in pretty much any marketplace for virtually any commercial property or home. Speak with all your Business Finance Broker while you are ready to invest in a Commercial Real estate investment opportunity.
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Travel's importance is actually underestimated by lots of people. Travel isn't just fun, enjoyable and pleasant. With the current life styles and function conditions, travel is becoming more than a choice. It is a lot more than just having a good time.
Unviáu por ideal health fitness el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Health fitness suggestions also advise that vices needs to be stopped. Smoking predisposes anyone to vascular conditions for instance arteriosclerosis and also heart conditions. Alcohol consumption will not need to be eradicated but needs to be limited to be able to 30 jiggers per day only. Alcohol nonetheless has health improvements such since vasodilation. These are just some of what Health fitness suggestions recommend
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Read you be conscious of the trend at this point... Commercial Bank loan Financing can be utilised in basically any community for any sort of commercial real estate. Speak in your Business Finance Broker while you're ready to buy a Commercial Properties opportunity.
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You'll find all varieties and styles of fashion blogs because the internet is packed with them. It can speak about the main advantage of wearing slim jeans above boyfriend denims or just how pink takes the spot of african american plus every one of the extras. When you go on the web, you are certain to get your fill with the latest in fashion trends by means of fashion blogs.
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