Escrito por Sumiciu el llunes, 12 mayu de 2008
Este video recoge una charla de Gregor Kiczales, profesor de Ciencias de la Computación en la UBC (en inglés), creo que en ella se da una muy buena explicación del concepto de la Programación Orientada a Aspectos.
Va apoyada con diapositivas para los que les cueste la lengua de Shakespeare.
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Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is based on a radical exploration of modularity in software development. By presenting new mechanisms that enable better modularization in a number of systems, AOP is driving us to ask fundamental questions about what modularity should mean in our field. In the past, we have tended to think of modularity in terms of hierarchies of crisply defined blocks, where each block or module defines its interface with the surrounding modules.
This idea seems attractive but experience tells us that it is hard to actually get the modularity of the software we build just right. Some issues are hard to code (or design) in a single module, others just don't seem to want to stay where you put them. Work in AOP and other areas suggests a different conception of modularity, based on crosscutting structures and a more fluid notion of module boundaries.
The talk will present existing AOP techniques and the problems they solve, as well as open practical and research problems ranging from mechanisms, to applications, to theoretical formulations and to conceptual foundations.
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