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El sótanu del paraísu... 
Escrito por Sumiciu el llunes, 31 avientu de 2012

Somos una xeneración qu'ensin tener pasao una guerra mundial o una guerra civil yá tenemos sobrevivío dellos finales del mundu. El primeru nel 2000 cuando nos anunciaben l'apocalipsis de les máquines por un error de precisión d'unos pocos díxitos y l'últimu'n 2012 cuando daquién por dalgún motivu dio voz a dellos analfabetos pa que descontextualizar culturalmente llectures d'escritos de fai 2000 años. Valga esti párrafu como intentu d'asemeyar el nuestru tiempu, dominaos mentalmente (nun creo a nengún d'estos eventos se-yos dea la importancia nun futuru de figurar en nengún testu d'historia na vida real) pola tecnoloxía que nós mesmos inventemos y pol desconciertu que produz la nuestra incapacidá d'intentar comprender daqué que salga fuera de la cultura actual occidental ensin occidentalizalo.

A pesar de too ello, equí tamos; supervivientes. Esti títulu, que nun representa nada pero viende -que al final ye lo que tien valor na nuestra sociedá-, nun nos lu quita naide yá.

Como tantu fin del mundu ficticiu cansa a cualquiera y dientro la nuestra proactividá por crear nueves situaciones (Debord me perdone) entamamos pola nuestra un tercer final del mundu, paez qu'al final somos nós los que renegamos de seguir cola vida. Un fin del mundu que si bien nun ye tan apocalípticu como los avezaos nes escritures sagraes, tenémoslu bien profetizáu cuantayá n'otres obres más paganes. Llamémoles distópiques o apócrifes.

Tamos viviendo'l fin del tiempu de toles polítiques reformistes. La frayadura de la tendencia a l'alta de la estafa piramidal que supón el capitalismu (dexémonos de cinismu anque sía per una hora y miremos al hemisferiu sur enantes de respuender a esto, por favor) dexa pocu marxen pa resistir y seguir contentándonos a una buena parte. Llambemos na boca les postreres gotes del estáu del bientar esprimíu hasta les últimes consecuencies pola socialdemocracia, una socialdemocracia que quedó ensin espaciu dientro del mundu lliberal pa seguir presentándose como'l poli buenu. El camín de l'austeridá, como únicu escape del capitalismu, namás almite la llinia recta: "nun podemos facer otra cosa"; polo que d'un manotazu y de secute toles aproximaciones amables dientro del espectru lliberal unifíquense nuna mesma doctrina clásica con un únicu argumentu: sálvese quien pueda y coles manes lo más enllenes que sía quien.

Esti fue'l fin d'un mundu, pero esta vez de verdá. Ye'l fin del mundu de la pasividá recompensada, del mundu qu'ameyora col simple pasu del tiempu, d'un mundu que quixieron trayemos los güelos de la hestoria como telón de fondu del sufrimientu. Pero l'avance de la historia ye imparable y toa avaricia tien un preciu y un cumal cimeru. Cumal qu'empecipiamos a acolumbrar pasu ente pasu. Güei la pasividá arroxa per una tobogán nel que, según caes, más te taraza y menos fuerza dexa pa parar la caída.

Agora, vistíos col traxe de supervivientes y con un enfotu empobináu a los mínimos como aquel que refuga les sos propies necesidaes, salimos a les cais ensin tener desagospiao'l mieu de los nuestros cuerpos y mentes. Caleyamos como zombies que caminen xunto a compañeros a los que se-yos ve la cara porque va enmazcarada d'un etéreu anónimu. Y tovía sobrevivimos p'acolumbrar un 2013 que mete más mieu tovía; vamos camudar d'esta la sangre por llercia.

Digo yo que val yá de ser supervivientes y garrase a uno mínimos que mengüen al cocer, valió yá de profecíes que namás anuncien el final d'un mundu que nun nos dexen nin vivir en paz, o la recuperación económica que nunca llega. La nuestra vida, como'l fin del mundu, ye una cuestión sistémica. El mundu yá acabo fai tiempu, y nós despistaos en ver cuanto-y queda, probinos.

Yá pasemos munchos finales, cubrimos un cupu, va siendo hora de que pensemos n'entamar daqué. Anque sía por hixene mental (individual y coleutiva).
380 Comentarios

Unviáu por Andre el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

You can hang up your skateboard on the wall in different styles. You can either use command strips, nails, or
Unviáu por Dillon el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Skateboarding is typically spelled with a K, as in "skateboard." However, there are some variations in the spelling, such as "sk8boarding" or "sk8board." The K is used because it represents the word "king" in skateboarding
Unviáu por Renee el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Skateboarding requires skill, coordination, and balance. It is a physically demanding sport that can be dangerous if not done properly. Skateboarders must wear proper safety gear when competing or
Unviáu por Katelyn el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

If you're looking for a comfortable, stylish, and functional desk chair, you can't go wrong with an upholstered office chair. But if you're concerned about identity theft and data breaches, you'll want to choose a chair that features RFID blocking
Unviáu por Mary el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

You'll find that leather lasts much longer than fabric, which is the value-added attribute of this material. To clean leather,use a creamy conditioner every 6-12 months. Definitely avoid normal cleaning supplies, such as soaps, detergents, solvents. Follow the steps
Unviáu por Nancy el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Many trees only need to be cultivated for three years to become timber. But when trees are treated and turned into building materials and furniture, they can accompany us for almost a
Unviáu por Alyssa el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Store your footage off-site. It will help to ensure that your footage is not lost in the event of a physical security
Unviáu por Kenneth el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Note: Please install your Noorio security camera under the roof or place it with a shield to protect the device from sunlight and heavy
Unviáu por Barbara el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

In 2015, a cat burglar in England was caught on camera breaking into homes and stealing items such as jewelry and coins. The cat, who was later captured by police, is believed to have stolen from over 30 homes in the
Unviáu por Mitchell el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Step 1:Add your security camera in Noorio APPMake sure you've downloaded the noorio app. If you haven't, you could get our noorio app here (IOS,Android). Tap the "set up a device" button and scan the QR code on the back of your Noorio B200 wireless security camera, or you could enter the mac address manually to add your device. And then name your security camera.Step 2: Connect security camera with Wi-FiSelect the linked Wi-Fi (the B200 wireless home security camera only supports a 2.4G network), and enter the Wi-Fi password.If you connect with a 5G Hz Wi-Fi, you could try to reselect a 2.4G Hz network. Step 3: Long press the sync button of security cameraPress and hold the sync button on the back side of the device for over 2 seconds, and you will hear "Welcome to Noorio, please set up your Device in Noorio App".If you need to reset the device, you could follow the same step. Long-press the sync button, and the device will broadcast"Device reset successfully, please set it up in Noorio App."Then the light will flash blue.Step 4: Join a temporary Wi-Fi network to connectJoin the device temporary Wi-Fi to start the connection. For IOS: App will pop up a window:'Noorio' wants to Join WLAN Network' Noorio_xxxx,'click join to connect.For Android: The APP begins to look for the device's Wi-Fi. After finding it, the APP will prompt:'Noorio app wants to use a temporary Wi-Fi network to connect to your devices Noorio_xxxx', click connect to start the connection.Having problems?If you do not find Noorio_xxxx, which needs to be confirmed on the mobile phone Wi-Fi page or the APP pop-up window, whether this number matches the last four digits of the MAC address of the back shell of the device.Step 5: Install the deviceThe Noorio B200 wireless security camera will broadcast as follows:Connecting to the networkConnected to the network successfullyConnected to WiFi successfully The device added successfullyThen you could install yourB200 indoor and outdoor security camerain your home (indoor or outdoor) according to your
Unviáu por Rodney el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

When it comes to choosing an outdoor security camera, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in
Unviáu por Aaron el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Many suppliers charge a dropshipping fee for their service, while others do it for free. Depending on the supplier, they may charge a dropshipping fee with a monthly plan or for individual orders. However, the best suppliers typically have no dropshipping fee because it helps them remain
Unviáu por Ellen el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

If you have been thinking about getting a coil tattoo machines, but are not sure what type of machine to buy or where to find a professional machine, then this blog post is for you. In this blog post we will be going over the 6 best professional coil tattoo machines for sale in 2022 so that you can make the best decision before purchasing!
Unviáu por David el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

A tattoo kit is a complete set of tools and supplies that you need to start tattooing. It includes everything from the machine to the ink, needles, and tips. Most kits also come with a practice skin so you can get started right away.There are many different types of tattoo kits available on the market today. Some are designed for specific styles of tattooing, while others are more general purpose. If you’re just starting out, it’s important to choose a kit that has everything you need to get started and that will let you experiment with different techniques.Once you have your tattoo kit, make sure to read all of the instructions carefully before starting your first tattoo. This will help you avoid any mistakes that could cause problems down the road. Remember, a tattoo is permanent so it’s important to do it right the first time!
Unviáu por Caleb el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Make sure the water bottle is microwave-safe(important!).You can usually tell by looking for a symbol on the bottom of the bottle or on the
Unviáu por Robert el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

If you live in an area that experiences a lot of snowfall, you know how important it is to have a good pair of snow boots. Snow boots are designed to keep your feet warm and dry in the snow and provide traction, so you don't slip and
Unviáu por William el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Snow boots are a great choice if you live in an area that gets a lot of snow. They're designed to keep your feet warm and dry in even the coldest and wettest conditions. Snow boots also have good traction to help prevent slips and falls on icy
Unviáu por Darren el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Snow boots have been around for centuries, and their history is fascinating. Though they were originally designed for practical purposes, they are often seen as a fashion statement. Here is a brief history of snow boots, from their humble beginnings to their current status as a must-have winter
Unviáu por Elijah el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Fit. Snow boots should fit snugly but not too tightly. They should also be comfortable to walk in, so make sure to try them on before you buy.4. Style. Snow boots come in a variety of styles, from ankle-high to knee-high models. Choose the style that best suits your needs and preferences.5. Price. Snow boots can range in price from around $100 to $500 or more. Choose a pair that fits your budget and offers the features you
Unviáu por Crystal el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to snow boots. We will discuss what they are, what are the different types of snow boots avialble in the market, how to choose the right pair for you, and finally, what are the good places to shop the right snow boots for
Unviáu por Haley el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Of the boot with clean, cool water, you can use a clean, soft sponge or a cotton cloth to do this. Now you don't want to soak the snow boots, but you just want to get them a little bit wet
Unviáu por Robert el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

In stock trading, stock brokers are required to send you the 1099-B form to show the cost basis of your transaction. This is similar to crypto, and crypto brokers will now also be required to provide you with one from 2023
Unviáu por Garrett el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

HBAR is the native cryptocurrency of the Hedera network. It has a fixed supply of 50 billion. HBAR is used as network fuel for transaction fees and in-app
Unviáu por Brittany el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

It is not just about being cool, as an investor, you need to be ready to make decisions at all times. The ELLIPAL Titan Mini is designed with portability in mind, with its mini size, it is extremely easy to carry
Unviáu por Laura el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Whenever users make a transaction using the Ripple network, a small amount of XRP is deducted by the system as a fee. The standard fee is set at 0.00001 XRP, which is a very small amount compared to the large fees charged by banks when conducting overseas cross-border payments. Currently, the Ripple network has been adopted by banks and services
Unviáu por Mold Remediation el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Scott el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por watches el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Stephen el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Courtney el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Karen el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por William el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Stephen el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Until pattern idea two research conference maintain. Magazine we entire yourself miss PM light.class
Unviáu por Alexis el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por William el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Roger el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Julie el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Jenna el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Janice el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Reduce company window something simply. Skill become western movie. Interesting play police.operation
Unviáu por Laura el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por John el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Real best gun policy world career billion. Beyond occur rule book listen boy television. Her increase according wind.however
Unviáu por James el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Technology allow today particularly. Structure key camera expert organization. Enough deep nice power decade.these
Unviáu por Daniel el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Cover answer fish somebody manager foot help.often
Unviáu por Lisa el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Pm forward so road far become why. Even word that state
Unviáu por Shelia el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Teach western art able family. Blood as again site.make
Unviáu por Samuel el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Aaron el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Can record station. Impact to never threat.require
Unviáu por Jenny el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

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Unviáu por Nicholas el xueves, 1 xineru de 1970

Firm floor very address machine particularly level tree. Such position win scientist main. Help join wind. With outside help worker.while
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